New Year

I wonder what kind of people we would be if all the things that have happened to us, did not happen to us. I wonder how much of it is nature vs. nurture. How many of their demons are there because of me, or despite me?

I wonder what we would look like if we had continued our trajectory. Would we be softer? Would we be more kind?

I have an idealized version of myself as Mother where I am the person I used to be. Patient and solid.

I don’t know that woman anymore.

Sometimes I see her when I get excited and ahead of myself-as-the-person-I-am-now. I think I can do a thing or be a thing or make life look a certain way, I’m so sure of it and of myself. And then everything falls apart and I fall apart and I remember that the old life was a dream, and my old optimism was born of naivete and stubbornness and heroic cognitive dissonance. I tried really, really hard.

And myself-as-the-person-I-am-now does not, or can not, try very hard anymore.

I wonder if I had not had my whole ass handed to me by life if that would still be the case. If I might have some stupid bright eyed optimism left in me. Enough to organize the toys. Enough to gently walk my child through a teaching moment without wanting to scream. Enough to look at myself in the mirror and think, “OK, sure”.

It is no joke to not like the person that you are.

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