Bulleted Points

-I am a very busy person these days and I’ve no energy left to figure out sentences

-not even two weeks into our new life where I work full time and the kids are in school/childcare full time, and then some.

-first week was exciting and new enough that nobody was devastated

-this week everything is a garbage fire and my children hate me and I hate me as well

-I’ve been awake since Monday 4am because I’ve got some stupid virus that toes the line between really gnarly cold and pneumonia. I cough through all my sleeping hours and then cough through the waking ones, too.

-I just discovered that I can pinch the skin between my eyebrows and pull it straight off my skull like chicken skin. I don’t know if I’m just rapidly aging or dehydrate. Probably I am both

-I nearly Googled “sudafed and wine interactions” earlier tonight but then realized I was just going to have the wine anyway and didn’t need to go scaring myself. #Selfcare

-Currently 2am and I’m having a mug of theraflu and some buffalo chicken beacause I’m ridiculous and my body has every right to be this sick and upset with me for the shit I put in it

-Theraflu is not working. Am still awake. Too tired to chew chicken and too tired to figure out what to do with it now

-Oldest boy woke up, howling down the stairs and through the house for me. Sees me, collapses on the floor and says “growing pains!” and now he has medicine and is pretending to sleep on the couch while whispering songs to himself

-Tonight I sang them Sade’s By Your Side for a bedtime song and when I finished Ben said, “I hate youuuuuu” and burst into tears

-I literally have no idea what I am doing


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